
Awareness of Men’s Mental Health Month to Maintain Your Strength

Awareness of Men's Mental Health Month to Maintain Your Strength

Though June and November are well-known for being good months to support men’s mental health, you should always be there for the men in your life. More than ever, mental health is a topic of discussion. Individuals are opening up more about their mental health, and we’re all learning how to help one other more effectively. However, men may not seek the necessary help, leading to an underreporting of men’s mental health. Men’s Mental Health Month Awareness is a great way to raise awareness of men’s mental health in this regard. Continue reading to learn everything there is to know about Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, including when it occurs and how you can support it.

When does the month of men’s mental health awareness occur?

June is designated as Men’s Mental Health Month Awareness by Mental Health America (MHA) and the International Men’s Health Month website. But it’s important to keep in mind that June is not officially recognized as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month in every nation. In the UK, for instance, November is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Men grow mustaches to raise awareness of men’s health issues during what is also known as Movember. These include disorders related to mental health as well as ailments like prostate and testicular cancer.

Ideas for participating in Men’s Mental Health Month


There are several ways you may support Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. One possible use for an event would be to generate funds and awareness for a mental health charity or organization. You can ask others to support you in a race or competition, hold a bake sale or garage sale, or ask your employer or your child’s school if they can do anything to help spread awareness. Numerous nonprofits, associations, and teams exist that carry out significant work related to men’s mental health and mental health in general.

The following are examples of men’s mental health groups both domestically and internationally:

  • Admit It
  • MenLiving
  • Guys, pay attention!
  • Next generation men
  • Campaign to End Miserable Living

Although they don’t exclusively address men’s mental health, MHA, the National Institute of Mental Health Source, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness are valuable resources that you may utilize to learn more about. Additionally, it’s critical to pay attention to the men in your life and let them know you’re available to them. This isn’t only relevant during Men’s Mental Health Month Awareness; in fact, men’s mental health is a major issue all year round.

Ideas for participating in Men's Mental Health Awareness Month

Which color ribbon is used to promote the mental health of men?

Although you may wear green ribbons all year round, some individuals use them in June to encourage men’s mental health.

You’re not by yourself

There are resources available if mental health issues are affecting you. Call, text, or visit to speak with a healthcare professional, a dependable friend, or a family member.

As an alternative, you can text MHA to 741741, call 1-800-985-5990, or text “Talk With Us” to 66746 at the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline to get in touch with the Crisis Text Line.

Recognizing the issues with Men’s Mental Health Month

Male mental health is still stigmatized, which makes it more challenging for men and boys to get treatment. Men who have or acknowledge a mental health illness may nevertheless feel that others want them to “man up” or be strong for others, and they may also believe that doing so would be a show of weakness or a lack of masculinity.

But mental health issues aren’t a show of weakness; they’re medical diseases just like any other. Just as you wouldn’t feel guilty about seeing a doctor for a broken limb, you shouldn’t feel ashamed about seeing a therapist for one.

The data about the mental health of men

According to the National Institute of Mental Health Trusted Source, women experience mental health disorders at a higher rate than men, but this difference may be due to men not opening up and seeking help. In 2021, 51.7% of women with mental health disorders received support from mental health services, compared to 40% of men with the same conditions.

In addition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Trusted Source, the suicide rate for men was approximately four times higher than the suicide rate for women in 2021. The CDC also reports that men account for nearly 80% of all suicides. Men may also be more likely to abuse drugs rather than seek mental health treatment, and even when they do, it may be challenging for them to get the assistance they require. Mental health care is frequently underfunded in the US and around the world (Trusted Source), and people frequently fail to prioritize it.

Why Is March Ignored for Men’s Mental Health?

Men’s mental health month in particular may be perceived as being neglected for a variety of reasons, some of which are outlined below:

  • Social expectations: Men are frequently expected to be tough, stoic, and independent, which might deter men from asking for assistance or expressing their feelings. This social norm might be a factor in the lack of knowledge or discussion surrounding men’s mental health concerns.
  • The stigma associated with mental health: Men are not exempt from the widespread stigma that has historically surrounded mental health disorders. Because of social standards that prohibit men from asking for help or showing weakness, men may encounter additional hurdles. Men may be discouraged from asking for help or being honest about their challenges due to the stigma associated with mental health issues.
  • Limited resources and awareness: People may be unaware of the unique mental health issues that men encounter. This could lead to a lack of resources, services, and support systems dedicated to the mental health of men. One reason for the belief that men’s mental health is undervalued is a lack of resources.
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Finally, a lot of men’s health programs concentrate on different problems. Campaigns for Men Mental Health Month awareness frequently span a wide range of subjects and may not necessarily focus on particular problems with men’s mental health. It is crucial to understand that people of all genders are impacted by mental health concerns, and efforts are being made to treat mental health issues holistically.

Why Is March Ignored for Men's Mental Health?

All of that being said, even though some people might believe that Men’s Mental Health Month is overlooked, it’s crucial to remember that knowledge and comprehension of mental health concerns in general have increased recently.

Motives for Giving Your Physical Health Top Priority

Your physical health should be your priority for the following reasons:

  • Increasing self-care will lead to a stronger, healthier body and mind, which will give you more energy and drive to fully enjoy your life.
  • Gain greater self-worth and confidence: When you treat yourself with respect and kindness, you’ll feel better about the future and yourself.
  • Make your health a priority so that you may do all in your power to avoid major health difficulties.
  • You have some influence over your health, how you spend your time, and what you do to prevent diseases.
  • Boost energy: You’ll feel better without needing coffee or other artificial stimulants to get you through the day when you’re exhausted.

Take control of your health. Put your future first by eating well and scheduling screening checkups.

Additionally crucial is mental health

There is more to health than meets the eye. Taking care of your mental well-being may prevent physical ailments and lower your quality of life, among other detrimental effects.

Making mental health a priority can help you in the following ways:

  • Enhanced emotional resilience: Giving your mental health priority can help you become more resilient emotionally and be able to handle stress and hardship.
  • Enhanced confidence and self-worth can be attained via encouraging self-talk that is constructive and self-compassionate. This can result in better relationships, productivity at work, and general well-being.
  • Enhance cognitive functioning: Putting mental health first can lower the risk of cognitive decline and enhance general brain health. It can also increase memory, focus, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Reduced risk of chronic illnesses: Healthy habits like exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management can lower the risk of chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Mental health is essential for supporting these behaviors.
  • Life expectancy is increased when mental health is prioritized because it can improve the overall quality of life and the capacity to age gracefully. It also encourages healthy habits and lowers the risk of chronic diseases.

Throughout Men’s Health Awareness Month, pause to consider your health. If you have any physical or mental health concerns, don’t hesitate to consult a medical or mental health expert.

Men’s mental health and intersectionality

Even though any man can have a mental health condition, there are situations in which men are disproportionately affected. For instance, according to the CDC, men who identify as LGBTQ+ are more likely than their straight and cis counterparts to have men’s mental health month conditions Trusted Source. Adults with disabilities are nearly five times as likely to report frequent mental health distress than adults without disabilities. Men who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, or BIPOC, are equally likely to have mental health conditions as men who identify as white men, but they have less access to mental health care and are more likely to need to rely on support from their communities instead of (rather than in addition to) mental health professionals.

Men's mental health and intersectionality

Language is important

Since specificity is crucial when reporting on research participants and clinical findings, you’ll notice that the language used to share statistics and other data points is fairly binary, alternating between the use of “male” and “female” or “men” and “women.” Regrettably, the studies and surveys referenced in this article didn’t report data on, or include, participants who were transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, genderqueer, agender, or genderless.

Why is MMHM in place?

There are several important reasons why MMHM is crucial, even though society has come a long way in recognizing mental health disorders. There is still a big gap in addressing the particular difficulties experienced by men.

1. The numbers tell a powerful story.

One in eight men in England suffers from typical mental health issues, according to Richardson Healthcare, with 77% of men surveyed reporting some degree of symptoms including stress, anxiety, or despair.

The first three problems are:

  • Pressure from the workplace: 32%
  • Financial strains: 31%
  • Health-related issues: 23%

Men are three times more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their feelings than to talk about them, and they account for 75% of all suicides in the UK. These statistics highlight the urgent need to address men’s mental health month on a larger scale. When left unattended, these problems can worsen and harm those affected. As a result, up to four out of ten men in the UK will not discuss their mental health with close friends, family, or a medical professional.

2. The negative connotations associated with masculinity

Men are often socialized to be stoic, and tough, and to hide their vulnerabilities; this pressure can make it difficult for them to open up about their struggles. One of the biggest obstacles to men’s mental health care is society’s deeply ingrained expectations around masculinity. MMHM seeks to challenge these stereotypes and create a safe space for men to talk about their feelings and get support.

What is LionHeart, and what kind of help is it providing?

Organizations like LionHeart, which is committed to assisting RICS professionals past, present, and future, as well as their families in their mental health and well-being, play a critical part in the road towards improved men’s mental health month. LionHeart provides the following services.


With trained specialists guiding clients through their issues and offering solutions to manage their mental health efficiently, LionHeart offers counseling services that give a secure and private environment for people to talk about their mental health concerns.

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In addition, LionHeart offers several free webinars covering a range of mental health-related subjects. These are excellent resources for anybody looking for advice and information on how to properly manage their mental health.

Bringing an end to the quiet

November is Men’s Mental Health Month (MHMM2023), a time for all of us to join the conversation about men mental health. It’s a time to acknowledge the significance of ending the stigma, dispelling myths, and helping those in need. By being aware of the facts, addressing the stigmas attached to masculinity, and using resources like those offered by LionHeart, we can build a culture in which men are comfortable asking for help and being open about their mental health.

MMHM highlights the distinct mental health difficulties that men encounter. Resources like LionHeart offer priceless assistance, highlighting the fact that everyone, especially RICS members and their families, may get care when they need it.

Men’s Mental Health Week Is When?

There isn’t a single “Men’s Mental Health Week” observed globally at the moment, but several nations mark weeks or months set aside expressly to raise awareness of men’s mental health.

However, mental health awareness and support should be an ongoing endeavor for everyone, regardless of gender. In the United States, for instance, June is designated as Men Mental Health Month, which includes a focus on mental health. Other countries may have different initiatives and awareness campaigns throughout the year.

Men's Mental Health Week Is When?

Three Important Points to Keep in Mind During Men’s Mental Health Month

Three key points of Men Mental Health Month should be kept in mind. The purpose of this celebration is to:

  • Raise awareness: To combat the stigma associated with men’s mental health and to encourage open dialogue about emotional struggles, Men Mental Health Month provides a platform for highlighting the particular mental health issues that men face. It also aims to raise awareness about the significance of mental well-being and to motivate men to seek help when necessary.
  • Encourage men to seek help: Men are often expected to be strong, independent, and stoic, which can make it difficult for them to admit when they need help with mental health issues and to seek professional help when needed. Men Mental Health Month highlights the importance of reaching out for support and getting professional help when needed. It also encourages men to prioritize their emotional and mental well-being and to understand that asking for help is a sign of strength rather than weakness.
  • Men Mental Health Month recognizes the need for tailored approaches to address these specific issues, which include topics like depression, anxiety, suicide prevention, addiction, and the impact of toxic masculinity on men’s mental well-being. It also highlights the importance of promoting healthy coping mechanisms and fostering supportive environments for men to thrive emotionally. Men may experience mental health challenges that are influenced by various factors, including societal expectations, cultural norms, and gender roles.

Keep in mind that June is only one month in the year that we should focus on promoting mental health for all people. We should keep talking about and supporting men mental health all year long. Men’s Mental Health Month is just one aspect of this.

The barrier of masculinity to mental health

While there are many reasons why men avoid getting help for mental health issues, one of the most important ones is the idea of masculinity and how some definitions of masculinity contradict getting help for mental health issues. Getting help often requires admitting you have a problem, expressing your emotions, and relying on others. These behaviors can be at odds with cultural messages about masculinity, such as “men are tough and self-reliant” and “men don’t express emotions” (Cole & Ingram, 2011).

In a study on men’s attitudes toward mental health, the tension between seeking treatment and being a man was brought to light (Ellis et al., 2013). Participants in the study frequently said that getting help went against cultural ideas of what it means to be a man, such as “Talking about your problems] is not a thing that’s accepted. Guys don’t want to feel like they’re all girly.”

In summary,

Ultimately, Men’s Mental Health Awareness goes beyond designated months and underscores the need for ongoing support. Although Mental Health America (MHA) and the International Men’s Health Month website recognize June as Men Mental Health Awareness Month, it’s important to recognize that awareness is year-round. Increasing the conversation about mental health helps us understand and support each other better, even though men’s mental health may still be underreported. Men Mental Health Awareness Month, observed in various months throughout the world, is a critical reminder to actively address and promote men’s mental well-being.

In summary, yearly assistance for men's mental health

FAQs: Bringing Awareness to Men’s Mental Health

1. What is the significance of Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month?

Men Mental Health Awareness Month is an important opportunity to draw attention to the underreporting of mental health concerns among men and to remind people that mental health help should be available to them year-round.

2. When is the world officially observed as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month?

Though June is designated as Men Mental Health Awareness Month by Mental Health America (MHA), other countries have other dates. In the UK, Movember, which is commemorated in November, is used to raise awareness of men’s health issues.

3. Which events fall under the umbrella of Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month?

Observed each November, Movember is a campaign to promote awareness of men’s health issues, such as testicular cancer, mental health issues, and prostate issues, via activities like growing mustaches.

4. What are some ways that people may support Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month?

People may demonstrate their support by having candid discussions about mental health, educating others and themselves, and taking part in awareness campaigns like Movember.

5. Why is year-round mental health assistance for men so important?

Men mental health needs year-round care since problems can occur at any moment. We help create a compassionate and understanding society by raising awareness of men’s mental health throughout the year.

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