
Employees Losing Interest In Work? Here’s What Managers Can Do To Get Them Back On Track


It is very disheartening for any company when an employee doesn’t live up to their expectations. You see a lot of potential in them and hire them to fill an important position. In the beginning, they are all charged up and always deliver their work on time, but after a point, something changes.

There is hardly any employee who doesn’t have off days. But what happens when there is a series of off days and employees fail to motivate themselves? It can be a huge loss for any business if an employee loses their will to perform.

Before look at how to re-engage an employee who has lost interest in work, let’s first look at the top reasons why this happens:

  • Personal issues
  • Excessive work
  • High-pressure work environment
  • Unrealistic expectations being placed by the manager
  • Lack of direction
  • Workplace conflicts or politics
  • Bad bosses
  • Not being appreciated for their work
  • Lack of clear communication
  • Boring or unchallenging work

Now that you are aware of what makes an employee disinterested, here’s what you can do to reboot them:

  • Get to the root of the issue:

Avoiding the situation at hand can lead to an employee becoming a liability for the business. Instead, just ask the employee why they have not been performing as usual. In most cases, this will give you direct insight into the issue the employee is facing.

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Getting to the root of the issue allows you to offer the right guidance and support to your employee. It makes employees feel valued and helps in establishing a more transparent relationship with them. In addition, take steps to stay in regular touch with the employee and nurture your connection with them.

  • Set short-term goals:

To see quick changes in a disinterested employee’s behavior, define goals for them, and monitor their performance. Make sure you set goals that are realistic and short-term to be able to give them the right direction.

Clearly communicating goals is the key in such scenarios. The results will show you whether or not the employee is taking interest in work. If the employee is not able to meet those goals, you will have to strategize and opt for other measures.

  • Help them schedule their day in a better way:

In a lot of scenarios, employees are just losing interest because they have poor time management skills and don’t know how to make the best of their day. Help them create a schedule that allows them to work productively and take breaks at the right intervals,

This is very beneficial for employees who are bad at organizing their work or don’t know how to utilize their time in the best possible way. Your support can make them attain a better work-life balance and regain their interest in work.

  • Challenge them and offer incentives:
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Often employees get bored due to the stagnation in work and don’t feel motivated to do the same tasks day after day. This can be changed by offering them a challenge and coupling it with an incentive for a positive outcome.

For instance, you can gamify your training content so employees have to compete with their colleagues to get to the top of the leaderboard. If you look at the Absorb LMS review, it is clear that managers have highly benefited from its gamification features like badges, reward points, leaderboard scores, and more to challenge employees.


If employees are not interested in their work, it can become difficult for a business to generate good revenue. Managers must always make sure they are approachable to their employees and actively listen to their issues in order to avoid the risk of employees getting dispassionate about their work.

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